Both 2D and 3D options can be divided into two groups: Base and Extra. Base contains the typically used options which are also accessible via "Edit/Clean" menu in Marvin. You can use them in each case. Extra includes further options which are accepted only by the MolConvert application and the clean method of MoleculeGraph in the Marvin Beans API.
O0 No optimization
O1 Optimize if needed (default)
O2 Always optimize
Note: null always specifies the default value.
e Verbose either flag removal
d show debugging info
tX set optimization time limit to X ms
iX set iteration limit to X step
rX set ring step limit to X step
cX set branch step limit to X
S{fine} Find low energy conformer. Leave failed fragments intact.
S{fast} Fast clean, if failed, perform fine clean, accept any generated structure (default)
Notes: null always specifies the default value. O0 and OD are deprecated. They use the default value.
? Print the complete list of options to System.err
The same list can be printed by invoking the MolConverter
with the -H3D option.
S{nofaulty} Same as S{fast}, but leave failed fragments intact.
S{conformers} Generate conformers, store the calculated conformer coordinates and energies in PropertyObjects.
E Store calculated Dreiding energy in SDF property
string. The Dreiding energy for each fragment will be calculated in the
last step. Their sum will be stored in the sdf property called