Codename: cube
comment line (always written, ignored at import) comment line (always written, ignored at import) N vx vy vz number of atoms,
followed by the position of the origin
of the volumetric data (the latter is read only in case of import option 'V',
otherwise ignored at import, set to0 0 0
at export)M1 vx1 vy1 vz1 number of voxels along the first axis,
followed by the first axis vector
(if volumetric data is ignored at import then this is set to1 1 0 0
at export)M2 vx2 vy2 vz2 number of voxels along the second axis,
followed by the second axis vector
(if volumetric data is ignored at import then this is set to1 0 1 0
at export))M3 vx3 vy3 vz3 number of voxels along the third axis,
followed by the third axis vector
(if volumetric data is ignored at import then this is set to1 0 0 1
at export))atom1 x y z atom2 x y z ... atomN x y z volumetric data lines (if volumetric data is ignored at import then this is set to 0
at export)
Import options can be specified by writing "{options}" after the filename.
See also the basic export options.
f... Bond length cut-off. Two atoms can be connected if they are closer than the sum of their covalent radii times the cut-off value. Default: "{f1.12}" Z# Set maximum number of connections for element Z.
Example: "{f1.4,C4,H1}". This setting increases the cut-off value, but does not let Carbons to have more than 4 connections, and Hydrogens to have more than 1 connection.b Try to guess bond types, atom charges and implicit hydrogens from atom distances and valence rules.
Warning: This is an experimental feature. Since Gaussian Cube files do not contain bond information, these "guesses" can be different from the actual bond orders, especially in case ofThe user should check the calculated bonds after import.
- radicals - missing Hydrogen atoms - complexes V Read and store volumetric data.
Warning: This data is not processed by Marvin but written upon export. MarvinSpace uses the volumetric data.