Number of atoms in the molecule: no atno: counts all atoms in the molecule; atno, but no massno: counts atoms of the given type in the molecule; atno, massno: counts atoms of the given isotope type in the molecule; atno, massno=0: counts atoms of the given type in the molecule, but excludes its isotopes.
-z, --atno | <atomic number> |
-m, --massno | <mass number> |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc atomcount -z 7 test.mol
Elemental composition calculation (w/w%).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc composition -s true test.mol
Dot-disconnected molecular formula calculation.
cxcalc dotdisconnectedformula test.mol
Molecule data calculation: formula, isotopeformula, dotdisconnectedformula, mass, exactmass, composition, isotopecomposition, atomcount.
-t, --type | [formula|isotopeformula|dotdisconnectedformula|mass|exactmass| composition|isotopecomposition|atomcount] (default: all) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc elemanal -t mass,composition,formula test.mol
Exact molecule mass calculation based on the most frequent natural isotopes of the elements.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 6) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc exactmass test.mol
Molecular formula calculation.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc formula -s true test.mol
Elemental composition calculation, isotopes included (w/w%).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc icomposition -s true test.mol
Molecular formula calculation, isotopes included.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc iformula -s true test.mol
Molecule mass calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 3) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc mass test.mol
Atomic polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc atompol test.mol
Average molecular polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc averagepol test.mol
Average molecular polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc avgpol test.mol
Calculation of principal component of polarizability tensor axx.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc axxpol test.mol
Calculation of principal component of polarizability tensor ayy.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc ayypol test.mol
Calculation of principal component of polarizability tensor azz.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc azzpol test.mol
Partial charge calculation. Types aromaticsystem / aromaticring calculate the sum of charges in the aromatic system / aromatic ring containing the atom.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [sigma|pi|total|implh| aromaticsystem|aromaticsystemsigma|aromaticsystempi| aromaticring|aromaticringsigma|aromaticringpi] (default: total) |
-i, --implh | [true|false] implicit H charge sum shown in brackets (for sigma and total charge only) (default: false) |
-r, --resonance | [true|false] true: take resonant structures (default: false) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc -S -o result.sdf -t myCHARGE charge -t pi,total -p 3 test.mol
Partial charge(s): A) on the ionic forms with distribution percentage not less than the minimum percentage specified in the min-percent parameter, or else B) on the ionic form with maximal distribution if the min-percent parameter is omitted.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> (default: 7) |
-n, --max-ions | max number of ionizable atoms to be considered (default: 9) |
-m, --min-percent | <min occurrence percentage of ionic form to be considered> (optional, if omitted then only the ionic form with max percentage is considered) |
-t, --charge-type | [single|accumulated] charge type, accumulated means that charges of attached H atoms should be added (default: single) |
cxcalc ioncharge -n 6 -H 8 -m 1 -t accumulated test.mol
Molecular polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc molpol test.mol
Orbital electronegativity calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [sigma|pi] sigma: sigma orbital electronegativity pi: pi orbital electronegativity (default: sigma,pi) |
-r, --resonance | [true|false] true: take resonant structures (default: false) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc oen -t sigma test.mol
Orbital electronegativity calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [sigma|pi] sigma: sigma orbital electronegativity pioen: pi orbital electronegativity (default: sigma,pi) |
-r, --resonance | [true|false] true: take resonant structures (default: false) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc orbitalelectronegativity -p 3 test.mol
Atomic and molecular polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [molecular|atomic] (default: both) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc pol -p 3 test.mol
Atomic and molecular polarizability calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [molecular|atomic] (default: both) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc polarizability -p 3 test.mol
Calculation of average molecular polarizability and principal components of polarizability tensor (axx, ayy, azz).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc tpol test.mol
Calculation of average molecular polarizability and principal components of polarizability tensor (axx, ayy, azz).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc tpolarizability test.mol
Calculates the conformers of the molecule.
-f, --format | <output format> should be a 3D format (default: sdf) |
-m, --maxconformers | <maximum number of conformers to be generated> (default: 100) |
-d, --diversity | <diversity limit> (default: 0.1) |
-s, --saveconfdesc | [true|false] if true a single conformer is saved with a property containing conformer information (default: false) |
-e, --hyperfine | [true|false] if true hyperfine option is set (default: false) |
-y, --prehydrogenize | [true|false] if true prehydrogenize is done before calculation, if false calculation is done without hydrogens (default: true) |
-l, --timelimit | <timelimit for calculation in sec> (default: 900) |
-O, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
cxcalc conformers -m 250 -s true test.sdf
Calculates if the molecule has a conformer.
cxcalc hasvalidconformer test.sdf
Calculates the lowest energy conformer of the molecule.
-f, --format | <output format> should be a 3D format (default: sdf) |
-e, --hyperfine | [true|false] if true hyperfine option is set (default: false) |
-y, --prehydrogenize | [true|false] if true prehydrogenize is done before calculation, if false calculation is done without hydrogens (default: true) |
-l, --timelimit | <timelimit for calculation in sec> (default: 900) |
-O, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
cxcalc leconformer -f mrv test.sdf
Molecular Dynamics.
-x, --forcefield | [dreiding] forcefield used for calculation (default: dreiding) |
-i, --integrator | [positionverlet|velocityverlet|leapfrog] integrator type used for calculation (default: velocityverlet) |
-n, --stepno | <number of simulation steps> (default: 1000) |
-m, --steptime | <time between steps in femtoseconds> (default: 0.1) |
-T, --temperature | <temperature in Kelvin> (default: 300 K) |
-j, --trajectorytype | [mol|sdf] type of output mol: series of mol frames sdf: series of sdf frames (default: sdf) |
cxcalc moldyn test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is aliphatic.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aliphaticatom test.mol
Aliphatic atom count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aliphaticatomcount test.mol
Aliphatic bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aliphaticbondcount test.mol
Aliphatic ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aliphaticringcount test.mol
Angle of three atoms.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>-<atom3>] (1-based) atom indexes of the atom pair |
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc angle -a 2-4-6 test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is aromatic.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aromaticatom test.mol
Aromatic atom count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aromaticatomcount test.mol
Aromatic bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aromaticbondcount test.mol
Aromatic ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc aromaticringcount test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is an asymmetric atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc asymmetricatom test.mol
The number of asymmetric atoms.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc asymmetricatomcount test.mol
The Balaban index.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc balabanindex test.mol
Bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc bondcount test.mol
The bond type between two atoms.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the bond atoms |
cxcalc bondtype -a 2-3 test.mol
Carboaromatic ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc carboaromaticringcount test.mol
Carbo ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc carboringcount test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is a chain atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc chainatom test.mol
Chain atom count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc chainatomcount test.mol
Checks if the bond is a chain bond.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the bond atoms |
cxcalc chainbond -a 2-3 test.mol
Chain bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc chainbondcount test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is a tetrahedral stereogenic center.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc chiralcenter test.mol
The number of tetrahedral stereogenic center atoms.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc chiralcentercount test.mol
Checks if two atoms are in the same connected component.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the atom pair |
cxcalc connected -a 2-3 test.mol
Checks if the molecule graph is connected.
cxcalc connectedgraph test.mol
The cyclomatic number.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc cyclomaticnumber test.mol
Dihedral of four atoms.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>-<atom3>-<atom4>] (1-based) atom indexes of the atom pair |
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc dihedral -a 1-2-4-6 test.mol
Distance between two atoms.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the atom pair |
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc distance -a 2-4 test.mol
Distance degree of atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc distancedegree test.mol
Calculates the dreiding energy of a conformer of the molecule.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc dreidingenergy -p 1 -l always test.sdf
Eccentricity of atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc eccentricity test.mol
The number of fused aliphatic rings (SSSR smallest set of smallest aliphatic rings).
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc fusedaliphaticringcount test.mol
The number of fused aromatic rings (SSSR smallest set of smallest aromatic rings).
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc fusedaromaticringcount test.mol
The number of fused rings (SSSR smallest set of smallest rings).
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc fusedringcount test.mol
Harary index.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc hararyindex test.mol
Heteroaromatic ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc heteroaromaticringcount test.mol
Hetero ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc heteroringcount test.mol
Steric hindrance.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc hindrance test.mol
Hyper Wiener index.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc hyperwienerindex test.mol
Size of largest ring containing a specified atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc largestatomringsize test.mol
Largest ring size.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc largestringsize test.mol
Molecular Surface Area calculation (3D).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
-t, --type | [vanderwaals|solvent] (default: vanderwaals) |
-i, --increments | [true|false] show incremental surface area on atoms (default: false) |
cxcalc msa -t solvent -i true -H 7.4 test.mol
The Platt index.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc plattindex test.mol
Topological Polar Surface Area calculation (2D).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc -S -t myPSA psa test.mol
The Randic index.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc randicindex test.mol
Checks if a specified atom is a ring atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc ringatom test.mol
Ring atom count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc ringatomcount test.mol
Checks if the bond is a ring bond.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the bond atoms |
cxcalc ringbond -a 2-3 test.mol
Ring bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc ringbondcount test.mol
Ring count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc ringcount test.mol
Ring counts of atoms.
cxcalc ringcountofatoms -a 2-3 test.mol
Checks if the bond is a rotatable bond.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the bond atoms |
cxcalc rotatablebond -a 2-3 test.mol
Rotatable bond count.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc rotatablebondcount test.mol
Length of shortest path between two atoms.
-a, --atoms | [<atom1>-<atom2>] (1-based) atom indexes of the atom pair |
cxcalc shortestpath -a 2-3 test.mol
Size of smallest ring containing a specified atom.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc smallestatomringsize test.mol
Smallest ring size.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc smallestringsize test.mol
Steric effect index.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc stericeffectindex test.mol
Steric hindrance.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-o, --optimization | [0|1|2|3] conformer generation optimiztaion limit for different enviroments {0}: very loose (limit=0.01) {1}: normal (limit=0.0010) {2}: strict (limit=1.0E-4) {3}: very strict (limit=1.0E-5) (default: 1) |
-l, --leconformer | [if2D|never|always] (default: if2D) |
cxcalc sterichindrance test.mol
Szeged index.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc szegedindex test.mol
Molecule topology data calculation: atomcount,aliphaticatomcount,aromaticatomcount, bondcount,aliphaticbondcount,aromaticbondcount,rotatablebondcount, ringcount,aliphaticringcount,aromaticringcount,heteroringcount,aromaticheteroringcount, ringatomcount,ringbondcount,chainatomcount,chainbondcount, smallestringsize,largestringsize.
-t, --type | [atomcount|aliphaticatomcount|aromaticatomcount| bondcount|aliphaticbondcount|aromaticbondcount|rotatablebondcount| ringcount|aliphaticringcount|aromaticringcount|heteroringcount|aromaticheteroringcount| ringatomcount|ringbondcount|chainatomcount|chainbondcount| smallestringsize|largestringsize] (default: all) |
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc topanal test.mol
Wiener index.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc wienerindex test.mol
Wiener polarity.
-s, --single | [true|false] in case of multi-fragment molecules: takes largest fragment if true, takes whole molecule if false (default: false) |
cxcalc wienerpolarity test.mol
Canonical resonant structure.
-f, --format | <output format> (default: smiles) |
cxcalc canonicalResonant -f sdf test.mol
Canonical tautomer.
-f, --format | <output format> (default: fused smiles, multiple molecule output if specified) |
cxcalc canonicalTautomer -f sdf test.mol
Dominant tautomer distribution.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 0) |
-l, --pathlength | <length> maximum allowed length of the tautomerization path in chemical bonds (default: 4) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> gets major microspecies at this pH (default: 7.4) |
-f, --format | <output format> (default: sdf:-a) |
-t, --tag | <SDF/MRV tag to store the distribution value> (default: TAUTOMER_DISTRIBUTION) |
cxcalc dominanttautomerdistribution test.mol
The number of double-bond stereoisomers of the molecule.
cxcalc doublebondstereoisomercount test.sdf
Generates double-bond stereoisomers of the molecule.
-f, --format | <output format> (default: sdf) |
-m, --maxstereoisomers | <maximum number of double bond stereoisomers to be generated> (default: all) |
-v, --verify3d | [true|false] if true invalid 3D structures of genereated stereoisomers are filtered |
-3, --in3d | [true|false] if true 3D structures are generated (invalid 3D structures are filtered) |
cxcalc doublebondstereoisomers -f mrv test.sdf
The number of resonant structures.
-r, --mcontrib | [true|false] true: take major contributors (default: true) |
-m, --max | <count> max. number of structures to be generated (default: 5000) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> considers pH effect at this pH (default: do not consider pH effect) |
-s, --symfilter | [true|false] true: filter out symmetrical structures false: allow duplicates (default: true) |
cxcalc resonantCount test.mol
Resonant structures.
-c, --canonical | [true|false] true: take canonical resonant form (default: false) |
-r, --mcontrib | [true|false] true: take major contributors (default: true) |
-m, --max | <count> max. number of structures to be generated (default: 5000) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> considers pH effect at this pH (default: do not consider pH effect) |
-f, --format | <output format> (default: fused smiles, multiple molecule output if specified) |
-s, --symfilter | [true|false] true: filter out symmetrical structures false: allow duplicates (default: true) |
cxcalc resonants -f sdf test.mol
The number of stereoisomers of the molecule.
cxcalc stereoisomercount test.sdf
Generates stereoisomers of the molecule.
-f, --format | <output format> (default: sdf) |
-m, --maxstereoisomers | <maximum number of stereoisomers to be generated> (default: all) |
-v, --verify3d | [true|false] if true invalid 3D structures of genereated stereoisomers are filtered |
-3, --in3d | [true|false] if true 3D structures are generated (invalid 3D structures are filtered) |
cxcalc stereoisomers -v true test.sdf
The number of tautomers.
-d, --dominants | [true|false] true: take dominant tautomers (default: false) |
-m, --max | <count> max. number of structures to be generated (default: 5000) |
-l, --pathlength | <length> maximum allowed length of the tautomerization path in chemical bonds |
-H, --pH | <pH value> considers pH effect at this pH (default: do not consider pH effect) |
-s, --symfilter | [true|false] true: filter out symmetrical structures false: allow duplicates (default: true) |
cxcalc tautomerCount -s false test.mol
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 0) |
-c, --canonical | [true|false] true: take canonical tautomer (default: false) |
-d, --dominants | [true|false] true: take dominant tautomers (default: false) |
-D, --distribution | [true|false] true: calculate dominant tautomer distribution (default: false) |
-m, --max | <count> maximum number of structures to be generated (default: 5000) |
-l, --pathlength | <length> maximum allowed length of the tautomerization path in chemical bonds (default: 4) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> considers pH effect at this pH (default: do not consider pH effect) |
-s, --symfilter | [true|false] true: filter out symmetrical structures false: allow duplicates (default: true) |
-f, --format | <output format> (default: fused smiles, multiple molecule output if specified) |
-t, --tag | <SDF/MRV tag to store the distribution value> (default: TAUTOMER_DISTRIBUTION) |
cxcalc tautomers -f sdf test.mol
The number of tetrahedral stereoisomers of the molecule.
cxcalc tetrahedralstereoisomercount test.sdf
Generates tetrahedral stereoisomers of the molecule.
-f, --format | <output format> (default: sdf) |
-m, --maxstereoisomers | <maximum number of tetrahedral stereoisomers to be generated> (default: all) |
-v, --verify3d | [true|false] if true invalid 3D structures of genereated stereoisomers are filtered |
-3, --in3d | [true|false] if true 3D structures are generated (invalid 3D structures are filtered) |
cxcalc tetrahedralstereoisomers -3 true test.sdf
Generates the IUPAC name of the molecule.
-t, --type | [preferred|traditional] (default: preferred) preferred: Preferred IUPAC Name traditional: traditional name |
-s, --stream | [true|false] output is a stream without header and molecule ID, if true (default: false) |
cxcalc name test.sdf
logD calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-a, --anion | <Cl- concentration> (default: 0.1, range: [0.0, 0.25]) |
-k, --kation | <Na+ K+ concentration> (default: 0.1, range: [0.0, 0.25]) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes logD at this pH (default: no single pH, takes pH values in interval [lower, upper] by given step size) |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
-1, --ref1 | <pH reference 1> (default: none) |
-2, --ref2 | <pH reference 2> (default: none) |
-3, --ref3 | <pH reference 3> (default: none) |
-4, --ref4 | <pH reference 4> (default: none) |
cxcalc -i ID logd -l 2 -u 3 -s 0.5 test.sdf
logP calculation: for type logPTrue: logP of uncharged species, or, in the case of zwitterions, logD at pI; for type logPMicro: logP of the input species.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-a, --anion | <Cl- concentration> (default: 0.1, range: [0.0, 0.25]) |
-k, --kation | <Na+ K+ concentration> (default: 0.1, range: [0.0, 0.25]) |
-t, --type | [increments|inch|logPMicro|logPTrue] (default: logPTrue) |
-i, --inch | [true|false] incremental logP on H atoms shown in brackets (for incremental logP only) (default: false) |
cxcalc -S -t myLOGP logp -a 0.15 -k 0.05 test.mol
Major microspecies at given pH.
-H, --pH | <pH value> gets major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, all microspecies) |
-f, --format | <output format> (default: smiles) |
cxcalc majorms -H 3.5 -f mol test.mol
Microspecies list with distributions at given pH.
-H, --pH | <pH value> gets major microspecies at this pH (default: 7.4) |
-f, --format | <output format> (default: sdf:-a) |
-t, --tag | <SDF/MRV tag to store the distribution value> (default: MSDISTR[pH=...]) |
cxcalc msdistr -H 3.5 test.mol
Isoelectric point calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
cxcalc pI test.mol
pKa calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [pKa|acidic|basic] (default: pKa) |
-m, --mode | [macro|micro] (default: macro) |
-P, --prefix | [static|dynamic] (default: static) |
-d, --model | [small|large] calculation model small: optimized for at most 8 ionizable atoms large: optimized for a large number of ionizable atoms (default: small) |
-i, --min | <min basic pKa> (default: -10) |
-x, --max | <max acidic pKa> (default: 20) |
-T, --temperature | <temperature in Kelvin> (default: 298 K) |
-a, --na | <number of acidic pKa values displayed> (default: 2) |
-b, --nb | <number of basic pKa values displayed> (default: 2) |
cxcalc pka -i -15 -x 25 -a 3 -b 3 -d large test.mol
Hydrogen bond acceptor multiplicity calculation on atoms.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc acc test.sdf
Hydrogen bond acceptor calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc acceptor -l 2 -u 12 -s 0.5 test.sdf
Hydrogen bond acceptor atom count in molecule.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc acceptorcount -H 7.4 test.sdf
Hydrogen bond acceptor multiplicity in molecule.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc accsitecount test.sdf
Hydrogen bond donor multiplicity calculation on atoms.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc don test.sdf
Hydrogen bond donor calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc donor -l 2 -u 12 -s 0.5 test.sdf
Hydrogen bond donor atom count in molecule.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc donorcount -H 7.4 test.sdf
Hydrogen bond donor multiplicity in molecule.
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc donsitecount test.sdf
Localization energy L(+)/L(-).
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-s, --subtype | [e|n|en] e: electrophilic, n: nucleophilic, en: both (default: en) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc energy test.mol
Hydrogen bond acceptor-donor calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [acc|don|accsitecount|donsitecount| acceptorcount|donorcount|msacc|msdon] (default: acc,don,accsitecount,donsitecount) acc: acceptor multiplicity on atoms don: donor multiplicity on atoms accsitecount: acceptor multiplicity in molecule donsitecount: donor multiplicity in molecule acceptorcount: number of acceptor atoms in molecule donorcount: number of donor atoms in molecule msacc: average acceptor multiplicity over microspecies by pH msdon: average donor multiplicity over microspecies by pH |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc hbda -t msacc,msdon -l 2 -u 12 -s 0.5 test.sdf
Huckel analysis parameters.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [order|order:e|order:n| localizationenergy| localizationenergy:e|localizationenergy:n| pienergy|pichargedensity|totalchargedensity] (default: order,localizationenergy, pienergy,pichargedensity,totalchargedensity) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc -S -o result.sdf huckel -H 7.4 -p 3 test.mol
Hydrogen bond acceptor average multiplicity over microspecies by pH.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
cxcalc msacc test.sdf
Hydrogen bond donor average multiplicity over microspecies by pH.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-l, --lower | <pH lower limit> (default: 0) |
-u, --upper | <pH upper limit> (default: 14) |
-s, --step | <pH step size> (default: 1) |
cxcalc msdon test.sdf
Order in E(+)/Nu(-) attack.
-s, --subtype | [e|n|en] e: electrophilic, n: nucleophilic, en: both (default: en) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc order -t order:e -H 7.4 test.mol
Pi charge density.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc pichargedensity -p 4 -H 6.5 test.mol
Pi energy.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc pienergy test.mol
Refractivity calculation.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-t, --type | [increments|inch|refractivity] (default: refractivity) |
-i, --inch | [true|false] refractivity on H atoms shown in brackets (for incremental refractivity only) (default: false) |
cxcalc refractivity -p 3 -t refractivity,increments test.mol
Total charge density.
-p, --precision | <floating point precision as number of fractional digits: 0-8 or inf> (default: 2) |
-H, --pH | <pH value> takes major microspecies at this pH (default: no pH, takes the input molecule) |
cxcalc totalchargedensity -p 4 -H 6.5 test.mol