addMol(String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading molecules in a separate thread.
addMol(String, String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading molecules in a separate thread.
animate(String) - Method in class JMView
Starts or stops animation.


destroy() - Method in class JMSketch
Disposes all the frames and removes references to the sketcher.
destroy() - Method in class JMView
Dispose all the frames.


focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class JMView
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class JMView


getAppletInfo() - Method in class JMSketch
Returns a string containing the version and the author.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class JMView
Returns a string containing the version and the author.
getAtomAlias(int) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets atom alias.
getAtomAlias(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Gets atom alias.
getAtomCount() - Method in class JMSketch
Returns the number of atoms.
getAtomCount(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the number of atoms in the specified molecule cell.
getAtomExtraLabel(int) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets extra atom label.
getAtomExtraLabel(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Gets extra atom label.
getAutoScale() - Method in class JMSketch
Returns the autoscale property.
getBestTabScale(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the best scale value for a molecule cell.
getBestTabScale() - Method in class JMView
Gets the smallest best scale value in the molecule table.
getC(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the state of a checkbox.
getCellCount() - Method in class JMView
Gets the number of cells in the table.
getImageShowURL() - Method in class JMSketch
getL(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets a label.
getM(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Gets the nth molecule in a text format.
getMProperty(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Gets an RDfile/SDfile property.
getMPropertyCount(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the number of RDfile/SDfile properties.
getMPropertyKey(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Gets an RDfile/SDfile property key.
getMol(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the molecule in a text format.
getMolExactMass() - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the exact molecule weight.
getMolExactMass(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the exact molecule weight.
getMolFormula() - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the molecule formula.
getMolFormula(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the molecule formula.
getMolMass() - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the molecule weight.
getMolMass(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the molecule weight.
getMolProperty(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets an RDfile/SDfile property.
getMolPropertyCount() - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the number of RDfile/SDfile properties.
getMolPropertyKey(int) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets an RDfile/SDfile property key.
getPiece(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the current molecule piece in the specified format.
getScale() - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the magnification.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class JMView
Gets the index of the molecule that is selected by the user.
getSelectedMol(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Gets the selected molecule part in a text format.
getT(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the value of a text field.
getTabScale(int) - Method in class JMView
Gets the magnification for a molecule cell.


hasValenceError() - Method in class JMSketch
Determines if this molecule has a valence error on any of its atoms.
hasValenceError(int) - Method in class JMView
Determines if the molecule in the specified cell has a valence error on any of its atoms.


init() - Method in class JMSketch
Initializes the applet.
init() - Method in class JMView
Initializes the applet.
isAtomSelected(int) - Method in class JMSketch
Returns true if atom is selected.
isAtomSetVisible(int) - Method in class JMView
Is the specified atom set visible?
isEmpty() - Method in class JMSketch
Returns true sketcher canvas is empty.
isEmpty(int) - Method in class JMView
Returns true if molecule cell is empty.
isSelected(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Is the specified atom selected?
isSetVisible(int) - Method in class JMView
Deprecated. as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by isAtomSetVisible


JMSketch - class JMSketch.
Swing version of the MarvinSketch Applet.
JMSketch() - Constructor for class JMSketch
JMView - class JMView.
Swing version of the MarvinView Applet.
JMView() - Constructor for class JMView


mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class JMSketch
Does nothing.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class JMSketch
Does nothing.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class JMSketch
Does nothing.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class JMSketch
Does nothing.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class JMSketch
Handles the viewer button press events.


postImage(String, String) - Method in class JMSketch
Posts image to CGI script.


redo() - Method in class JMSketch
Invokes the Redo command.
run() - Method in class JMSketch
Runs the thread that handles JavaScript calls.
run() - Method in class JMView
Runs the thread that handles JavaScript calls.


selectAllAtoms(int, boolean) - Method in class JMView
Select or unselect all atoms in the specified molecule.
selectAtom(int, int, boolean) - Method in class JMView
Select or unselect an atom in the specified molecule.
setActionB(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets the action string (URL or JavaScript expression) of a button.
setActionC(int, boolean, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets one of the two action strings (JavaScript expressions) of a checkbox.
setAtomAlias(int, String) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets atom alias.
setAtomAlias(int, int, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets atom alias.
setAtomExtraLabel(int, String) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets extra atom label.
setAtomExtraLabel(int, int, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets extra atom label.
setAtomSetColor(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Sets the color of an atom set.
setAtomSetSeq(int, int, int) - Method in class JMView
Sets the set sequence number of the atom.
setAtomSetVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class JMView
Set the visibility of the specified atom set.
setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets the autoscale property.
setBondSetColor(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Sets the color of a bond set.
setBondSetSeq(int, int, int, int) - Method in class JMView
Sets the set sequence number of a bond.
setBondSetSeqAll(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Sets the set sequence number for each bond.
setC(int, boolean) - Method in class JMView
Sets the state of a checkbox.
setL(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets a label.
setM(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading a molecule into the nth cell in a separate thread.
setM(int, String, String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading a molecule into the nth cell in a separate thread.
setMProperty(int, String, String) - Method in class JMView
Sets an RDfile/SDfile property.
setMol(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Starts loading a molecule into the sketcher in a separate thread.
setMol(String, String) - Method in class JMSketch
Starts loading a molecule into the sketcher in a separate thread.
setMol(String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading molecules in a separate thread.
setMol(String, String) - Method in class JMView
Starts loading molecules in a separate thread.
setMolProperty(String, String) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets an RDfile/SDfile property.
setPiece(String) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets the current piece.
setScale(double) - Method in class JMSketch
Sets the magnification.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class JMView
Selects a molecule.
setSetColor(int, int) - Method in class JMView
Deprecated. as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetColor
setSetSeq(int, int, int) - Method in class JMView
Deprecated. as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetSeq
setSetVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class JMView
Deprecated. as of Marvin 3.3, replaced by setAtomSetVisible
setT(int, String) - Method in class JMView
Gets the value of a text field.
start() - Method in class JMSketch
Starts the applet.
start() - Method in class JMView
Starts the applet.
stop() - Method in class JMSketch
Hide the frames when stopped.
stop() - Method in class JMView
Stops the applet.


undo() - Method in class JMSketch
Invokes the Undo command.