detail view sample V06_019

sample: V06_019
treatment method: Einstufige PEG-Konservierung
Conservation Laboratory: Natmus Kopenhagen

Before and after view

wet weight 547.9 g weight under water 20.9 g
weight after impregnation no value weight after drying 300 g
Umax 774.0 % degree of degradation 1
residual density 0.12 g/cm3 volume (water displacement) 527.0 cm3
density before conservation 1.04 g/cm³ final density 0.58 g/cm³
impregnation no value proportion of impregnating agent 77.8 %

survey data (caliper method)
nail spacing before after shrinkage
radial 34.4 mm 33.5 mm 2.7 %
tangential 39.5 mm 39.6 mm -0.2 %
longitudinal 78.6 mm 78.3 mm 0.4 %
volume shrinkage: 2.9 %

ASE-radial 79.9 % ASE-tangential 100.4 %
ASE-longitudinal 97.5 % ASE volume 94.4 %

survey data (3D scan)
volume (previous state) 524.6 cm3 volume (final state) 519.1 cm3 volume shrinkage 1.1 %
surface (previous state) 427.8 cm2 surface (final state) 421.3 cm2 Surface change -1.5 %
radial cut surface (previous state) 4235.1 mm2 radial cut surface (final state) 4164.0 mm2 radial shrinkage 1.7 %
tangential cut surface (previous state) 7204.0 mm2 tangential cut surface (final state) 7280.8 mm2 tangential shrinkage -1.1 %
longitudinal measurement (previous state) 142.1 mm average length change -0.3 mm longitudinal shrinkage -0.4 %

ASE-radial 97.5 % ASE-tangential 101.9 %
ASE-longitudinal 103.4 % ASE volume 98.5 %

scan view [open 3D view in new tab]

preservation method (details)
pretreatment Keine weitere Vorbehandlung
impregnation impregnant: PEG 2000, 10-40%-Lösung mit Leitungswasser
impregnation process: Einlegen der Hölzer in 10%-PEG 2000-Lsg., steigern der Konzentration bis auf 40%, keine zusätzliche Erwärmung der Bäder - Tränkung bei Raumtemperatur
drying Gefriertrocknung in gekühlter Kammer (ca. -30°C)
aftercare Entfernen des PEG-Überschusses von der Oberfläche mit weichem Pinsel und Ethanol

time data
duration pretreatment no value duration impregnation 149 weeks duration drying 20 weeks
total duration of conservation: 169 weeks

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